Copenhagen Howling Hash House Harriers Runsheet and Contacts
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The Full Moon Hashwtf????

Want to set a trail?

We can always use a new venue, or a new hare, and our friends at KBHGUIDE.COM have done their homework and tested 650 pubs and bars in Copenhagen plus 40 in Malmö!

They even have a breakdown into different neighborhoods, so if you want to set trail from, say, Pisserenden - no problem, 15 places to choose from!

Gule Gardiner was a Norwegian guy testing brown bars with yellow curtains, just the way we like them! They even had a page about our all time favorite CH4 song - Himmelhunden. These days it looks like the site has been taken over by a ChatGPT robot who thinks that a page with the title of "Rosengardens Bodega 4 gardiner" would of course be a good place for advertising curtains! Not quite the idea of the original page...

Another beerguide to Copenhagen

Runsheet 2024

Run no.
Date and time
Public transport
CH4 #349 Friday 18-10-2024
20:00 hrs
Location TBA  
Contact the CH4 Junta
Full Moon Hash
CH4 #350 Friday 08-11-2024
20:00 hrs
Note: A week earlier than normal
Dybbølsbro Station, Ingerslevsgade, Kbh. V, 1705  
Chemical Attraction Full Moon Hash
with Swedish visitors!
CH4 #351 Friday 20-12-2024
20:00 hrs
Location TBA  
Contact the CH4 Junta
Full Moon Hash

Some statistics for the first 300...

Useful links

Visitor's Guide to Hashing in Copenhagen

2019 Statistics. Plus the All Time Top Twenty Five list - updated 23-12-2012(!)

Spreading the gospel of Rubber Chickenism

A sky chart map to help you howl in the right direction, curtesy of Heavens Above

Another one is found at Weather Underground

Photos from The First Full Moon Interhash on August 12th 2003: Full moon photos:

The Copenhagen Howling Hash House Harriers hymn

CH4 GMs For Life:


The new CH4 GMs Codpiece

phone: +45 2171 1366 (mob/txt)

codpiece at

The date on this page was last changed: January 8. 2008 - 20.04